Legenda Wentworth S05E01

Wentworth S05E01

Remake australiano da novela Prisoner Cell Block H, produzida entre 1979 e 1986. A história é situada na prisão feminina Wentworth, onde detentas são expostas a todo tipo de violência, incluindo bullying e assédio sexual. Do outro lado da grade está a equipe que comanda a prisão, liderada por um diretor com visões progressistas sobre o sistema penitenciário. A protagonista é Bea Smith, detenta recém chegada que foi presa por violência doméstica, a qual é desvendada aos poucos ao público em cenas em preto e branco de flashback.

Fans of the iconic Prisoner series which pushed boundaries over three decades ago and still today boasts a loyal following worldwide, will remember Bea Smith as gutsy and fearless, ruling Wentworth Correctional Center with an iron fist. But who was Bea Smith before prison? How did a wife and mother from the suburbs become a top dog without rival? Wentworth is a dynamic, often confronting, drama series that begins with Bea’s early days in prison. Set in the present day, it is a modern adaptation of Prisoner contemporising legendary characters and their stories for today’s audience. This ten-part series takes the viewer inside to an uncompromising environment exploring the politics of women in a world without men, and how such a threatening experience both challenges and often changes those confined and working behind the razor wire.


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