Legenda The President 2014

The President 2014

Numa aldeia fictícia do Cáucaso, o Presidente em fuga tem apenas a companhia do neto de cinco anos. Um golpe de Estado aconteceu e o ditador agora circula pelas terras que um dia governou disfarçado de músico. Pela primeira vez ele se aproxima realmente da gente que por tanto tempo liderou, finalmente conhecendo aquele que era seu povo.

The President is the story of a dictator of an imaginary country in the Caucasus, who is forced to escape following a coup d’état, and begins a journey to discover his country in the company of his five-year-old grandson. The two travel across the lands that the President once governed. Now, disguised as a street musician to avoid being recognized, the former dictator comes into contact with his people, which he comes to know from a different point of view.


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