Legenda The Exorcist S02E07

The Exorcist S02E07

Nesta nova temporada, os padres Tomas e Marcus enfrentam uma nova força maligna que persegue uma criança em um orfanato gerenciado por um ex-psicólogo infantil. Enquanto isso, o Padre Bennett continua sua luta no Vaticano contra aqueles que se rebelaram contra Deus.

Father Ortega runs a small but loyal parish and has no idea that his quiet life is about to change forever. Meanwhile, another priest finds himself locked in a life-and-death struggle with evil. Father Brennan is a modern-day Templar Knight and is everything Father Tomas is not: relentless, abrasive and utterly consumed by his sacred mission. Caught in the middle is the Rance family. On the surface, they’re a normal, suburban family, but all is not as it seems. The patriarch, Henry Rance, is slowly but surely losing his mind. Eldest daughter Katherine has become a recluse and her younger sister, Casey, thinks she’s hearing strange noises coming from inside the walls. Mother Angela has been plagued by recurring nightmares. She believes there is something in the house, a demonic presence, growing stronger by the day.

Season 02, Episode 07 – “Help Me”

As the exorcism begins, the fate of the foster home hangs in the balance. This is an adversary unlike anything Marcus and Tomas have ever faced, and in order to save this family, the two of them must journey into the mouth of madness itself.
