Legenda Saving Hope S05E07

Saving Hope S05E07

Quando o carismático Charlie Harris (Michael Shanks), cirurgião-chefe no Hospital Hope-Zion, entra em coma, ele deixa o hospital um completo caos, e sua noiva e cirurgiã, Alex Reid (Erica Durance), em um estado de completo choque. Com o recém-chegado Joel Goram (Daniel Gillies), Reid faz de tudo para salvar a vida de Harris, enquanto ele explora os corredores do hospital em forma de espírito, sem saber se é um fantasma ou apenas um fragmento da própria imaginação.

When charismatic Chief of Surgery Charlie Harris at Toronto’s Hope-Zion Hospital ends up in a coma, he leaves the hospital in chaos – and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. Along with newly-arrived star surgeon, Joel Goran, Alex races to save Harris’ life. As the action unfolds, comatose Dr. Harris explores the hospital halls in “spirit” form, not sure if he’s a ghost or a figment of his own imagination. Reid, along with her fellow doctors, press on to save his life and those of their other patients, as they deal with the complicated and courageous decisions that are made in their daily struggle to keep hope alive.


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