Legenda Mind Blown 2016

Mind Blown 2016

Em Los Angeles, um programa secreto do governo em guerra psicotrônica dá errado e agora o Departamento de Defesa americano quer eliminar todos os envolvidos para encobrir o fracasso. Tentando salvar a sua vida, Noah West sabe que precisa descobrir quem roubou a tecnologia e está planejando usá-la para chantagear os Estados Unidos. Quando o desastre se inicia, os sombrios segredos do experimento começam a ser revelados.

In Los Angeles, the Earth shakes, people panic, buildings crumble and fold. But when a special OPS crew flies in to view the damage, it’s as if nothing has happened. Buildings still stand, the ground is whole…but dead bodies litter the streets. Welcome to MIND BLOWN – a secret government program in psychotronic warfare that goes terribly wrong. Now the DOD must cover it up and terminate all involved. Fleeing for his life, Noah West knows he must uncover who has stolen the technology with plans on using it to bring America to its knees. When the disasters start for real, the darker secret of the experiment begins to unravel.


legendas Mind Blown (2016)