Legenda Little Sister 2016

Little Sister 2016

Little Sister

Após um trauma envolvendo a sua mãe, a jovem Colleen decidiu abandonar o lar e se tornar freira, cortando totalmente o contato com a família. Um dia, recebe um e-mail anunciando que seu irmão está em casa após voltar da guerra do Iraque, com sequelas no corpo. Ela decide que é hora de visitar novamente a família, e resgatar o seu passado, quando era metaleira, gótica, num lar liberal e excessivo.

October, 2008. Young nun Colleen is avoiding all contact from her family, until an email from her mother announces, “Your brother is home.” On returning to her childhood home in Asheville, NC, she finds her old room exactly how she left it: painted black and covered in goth/metal posters. Her parents are happy enough to see her, but unease and awkwardness abounds. Her brother is living as a recluse in the guesthouse since returning home from the Iraq war. During Colleen’s visit, tensions rise and fall with a little help from Halloween, pot cupcakes, and GWAR. Little Sister is a sad comedy about family – a schmaltz-free, pathos-drenched, feel good movie for the little goth girl inside us all.
