Legenda Kevin Probably Saves the World S01E01

Kevin Probably Saves the World S01E01

A série dramática conta a história de Kevin (Jason Ritter, de The Event), um homem divorciado, deprimido e desempregado, que recebe a missão de um ser celestial de salvar o mundo. Completam o elenco: JoAnna Garcia Swisher, Cristela Alonzo, J. August Richards, Chloe East, Dustin Ybarra e India de Beaufort.

Season 01, Episode 01 – “Pilot”
Kevin returns home to Texas to crash with his sister and niece and has a strained homecoming. Soon after, he meets a celestial guide who informs him he is a righteous soul meant to protect the world in the series premiere of this drama about a man struggling to get back to the road of righteousness.
