Legenda Death In Paradise S06E07

Death In Paradise S06E07

A história segue um inspetor da polícia britânica que é transferido para uma ilha das Caraíbas e que necessita de se adaptar aos métodos de trabalho da polícia local.

Detective Inspector Richard Poole is transferred to Sainte Marie, an island in the Caribbean. Totally unsuited to the Caribbean way of life, Richard hates the sun, sea and sand and isn’t used to the Sainte Marie style of policing. Working with the exotic Camille each week Richard investigates intricate and intriguing murders.

Death in Paradise S06E07 HDTV XviD-RMX
Death in Paradise S06E07 720p HDTV HEVC x265-RMTeam
Death in Paradise S06E07 480p HDTV x264-RMTeam
Death in Paradise S06E07 1080p HDTV x264-MORiTZ
Death in Paradise S06E07 HDTV x264-ORGANiC
Death in Paradise S06E07 720p HDTV x264-ORGANiC

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