Legenda One Night in Oslo 2014

One Night in Oslo 2014

Sam e Amir, 15, são dois rapazes de origem imigrante e amigos de infância, quase irmãos. Sam está apaixonado pela bela norueguesa Thea, ex-namorada de Amir. Ele sabe que deve contar isso para o amigo, mas não imagina como. Quando finalmente encontra coragem para a confissão, a reação de Amir é pior do que Sam jamais imaginara. A véspera do Dia da Constituição Norueguesa, principal feriado do país, torna-se a noite mais importante da vida dos dois. Eles conseguirão perdoar um ao outro ou será o fim da amizade?

On the Eve of The Norwegian Day of Liberation – a whole nation is gearing up to get drunk and disorderly. Sam and Amir, two 15 year-old boys, have decided their night is going to be an epic. The boys have known each other almost all their lives, and are closer than brothers. But the next 24 hours will test the bonds of brotherhood. Sam has fallen for Thea, Amir’s ex-girlfriend. He knows he has to tell Amir, but doesn’t know how. When Sam finally summons up the courage to confess, Amir’s reaction is far worse than he could ever have imagined. The long night turns into chaos as Amir embarks on a revenge-fuelled journey of violence and destruction. Can Sam and Amir forgive each other or is this the end of their friendship?
