Legenda Norman Lear Just Another Version of You 2016

Norman Lear Just Another Version of You 2016

A história e a vida do produtor de televisão Norman Lear, um homem que revolucionou as séries de comédia ao introduzir assuntos e temas complexos como a guerra, a pobreza e o preconceito em suas produções sem nunca perder a qualidade cômica e as risadas, realizando uma verdadeira mudança social no país.

Arguably the most influential creator, writer, and producer in the history of television, Norman Lear brought primetime into step with the times. Using comedy and indelible characters, his legendary 1970s shows such as All In the Family, Maude, Good Times, and The Jeffersons, boldly cracked open dialogue and shifted the national consciousness, injecting enlightened humanism into sociopolitical debates on race, class, creed, and feminism.


Norman Lear