Legenda Ma vraie vie à Rouen 2002

Ma vraie vie à Rouen 2002

Étienne, o garoto bonitinho aí do pôster, ganha uma câmera e começa a incomodar os demais personagens com suas filmagens.
Até que ele aponta a câmera pro padastro e descobre que o cara é muito interessante… My Life on Ice presents the unique point of view of 16-year-old Etienne, a cute would-be ice skating champion living in provincial Rouen who is obsessed with filming his daily life with a digital camera. Told from his subjective perspective, the focus of Etienne’s video diary subtly takes shape as he records his single mother, his best friend Ludovic, and, almost stalker-like, his handsome male geography teacher Laurent. Though explaining his goal is to match his mother with Laurent, he gradually comes to the realization that other unconscious desires are motivating him, as hinted at in an intense discussion with Ludovic about the possibility of love between men.


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