Legenda Empire S04E06

Empire S04E06

Lucious Lyon (Terrence Howard) é um rapper que saiu das ruas e prosperou na música. Dono da gravadora Empire, ele contruiu um império no meio musical. Quando descobre ter uma grave doença, ele decide eleger um de seus três filhos – Andre (Trai Byers), Jamal (Jussie Smollett) ou Hakeem (Bryshere Y. Gray) – para ocupar seu trono. Ao mesmo tempo, Cookie (Taraji P. Henson), sua afiada ex-esposa, retorna depois de passar 17 anos na prisão disposta a recuperar tudo que perdeu. Mas Lucious tem um passado negro do qual não pode fugir.

LUCIOUS LYON is the king of hip-hop. An immensely talented artist, the CEO of Empire Entertainment and a former street thug, his reign has been unchallenged for years. But all that changes, when he learns he has a disease that is going to render him crippled and incapacitated in a matter of three years. The clock is ticking, and he must groom one of his three sons to take over his crowning achievement, without destroying his already fractured family

Season 04, Episode 06 – “Fortune Be Not Crost”
The Lyon family stands together as Anika and Hakeem begin a custody battle for Bella. Although they’re confident in Hakeem’s ability as a father, no one is prepared for the revelations her team brings to the trial. Meanwhile, Claudia grows more possessive over Lucious, who has unlocked a new way to understand music through his paintings. Also, Jamal introduces Warren to Lucious; Andre begins seeing a new therapist; and one of Becky’s old flames returns.


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