Legenda Delicious S02E03

Delicious S02E03

No segundo ano da série Delicious, Gina e Sam prosperam na parceria de manter o Penrose funcionando, porém as diferenças entre as duas vêm a tona, complicando o futuro do hotel e do restaurante. O pai de Gina aparece em cena para virar de cabeça para baixo a vida da prestigiada chef de cozinha e de todos qao seu redor. Com Ian Glen (Game of Thrones), Emilia Fox (Silent Witness) e Dawn French.

Business is booming at the Penrose a year after Leo’s death, but there is trouble in store for the two women running things. Gina is left reeling when two men from her past reappear – one welcome, one not at all – while a frustrated Sam decides to show initiative personally and professionally, with potentially disastrous consequences.


Legendas Delicious S02E03