Legenda Dangerous Calling 2008

Dangerous Calling 2008

Suspense ambientado na vida de membros de uma igreja de uma pequena cidade, A Letra que Mata conta a história do Pr. Evan Burke (Steven Caudill) e sua esposa Nora (Carrie Walrond) quando eles assumem a liderança da Primeira Igreja Batista de Willit Springs, após a morte misteriosa do pastor anterior. Ansiosa por conhecer o novo ministro, a Sra. Pat, que é a viúva controladora da igreja, convida Nora e Evan para morarem com ela enquanto a casa pastoral passa por uma reforma. Sozinha na bela residência da Sra. Pat, localizada nas montanhas ao norte da Geórgia, Nora começa a suspeitar de que o filho superprotegido daquela senhora possa ter alguma coisa a ver com a morte do antigo pastor. A Busca da verdade… poderá ser fatal para Nora!

A suspense thriller set in the world of small town church politics, Dangerous Calling follows the story of Pastor Evan Burke and his wife Nora as they assume leadership of First Baptist Willit Springs after the mysterious death of the previous pastor. Eager to get to know the new pastor, Miss Pat, the church’s controlling widow-woman, invites Evan and Nora to stay with her while she has the parsonage renovated. Left alone at Miss Pat’s beautiful home in the mountains of North Georgia, Nora begins to suspect that Miss Pat’s extremely sheltered adult son, Elijah, may have had something to do with the previous pastor’s death. Although the story involves Christian characters, Dangerous Calling is not your typical church film. Owing more to Psycho and Misery than Left Behind, Dangerous Calling is sure to keep you on the edge of the pew. In this church the politics can be deadly.
