Legenda Silent Witness S21E01

Silent Witness S21E01

Uma equipe de especialistas em patologia forense encara a missão de desvendar os mistérios em volta de vários crimes. Entre os integrantes deste grupo está a professora Sam Ryan (Amanda Burton), que exerce sua função, enquanto tenta lidar com seus traumas pessoais.

Haunted by her experiences in Mexico, Nikki Alexander is struggling to come to terms with life back home. Whilst on leave she seeks out fellow pathologist Sally Vaughan (Emma Fielding) for support. However, a few days later and troubled by the failure of Sally to return her calls, Nikki heads to her house only to find that it has become a crime scene and Sally is nowhere to be found.


Essa legenda pode servir também em outros releases.

Legendas Silent Witness S21E01 Moment Of Surrender – Part One

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