Legenda Youre the Worst S04E13

Youre the Worst S04E13

Uma comédia romântica sobre duas pessoas auto-destrutivas que se apaixonam e decidem começar um relacionamento.

“You’re the Worst” isn’t a typical romantic comedy. Narcissist Jimmy Shive-Overly thinks all relationships are doomed from the start, while stubborn cynic Gretchen Cutler is certain that amorous bonds aren’t her thing. When the two meet at a wedding, though, there’s a sea change: They go home together and find they’re beginning to fall for each other. Jimmy and Gretchen navigate fear, heartbreak, ardor and other feelings, while their situation seems to establish that non traditionalists sometimes make great partners.

Season 04. Episode 13 – “It’s Always Been This Way”
Jimmy and Gretchen go for a long drive to force a conclusion on the confusing state of their relationship. Also: Edgar finds closure with Max while Lindsay figures out a way to solve Becca, Vernon and Paul’s problems all at once.
