Legenda The Flash S03E15

The Flash S03E15

Apresentado dentro da segunda temporada de Arrow, Barry Allen ganha sua própria série em The Flash. O seriado mostrará a história de origem do super-herói, um detetive que passou boa parte da vida buscando respostas para a misteriosa e aparente sobrenatural morte de sua mãe, e que, depois de ser atingido por um raio e passar nove meses em coma, vê-se, ele próprio, com superpoderes, enquanto deve continuar com seu dever de proteger a Central City dos vilões.

After a particle accelerator causes a freak storm, CSI Investigator Barry Allen is struck by lightning and falls into a coma. Months later he awakens with the power of super speed, granting him the ability to move through Central City like an unseen guardian angel. Though initially excited by his newfound powers, Barry is shocked to discover he is not the only “meta-human” who was created in the wake of the accelerator explosion – and not everyone is using their new powers for good. Barry partners with S.T.A.R. Labs and dedicates his life to protect the innocent. For now, only a few close friends and associates know that Barry is literally the fastest man alive, but it won’t be long before the world learns what Barry Allen has become… The Flash.


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